Feeding Gaza’s Children

Malnutrition can cause weak bones, stunted growth and even brain damage. In Gaza, your zakat protected over 5,000 schoolchildren from serious health problems, helping us to provide nutritional food and juice. Now, their school attendance is up, and their grades are improving too!

The blockade in Gaza is having a devastating effect on children’s health – and the conflict in November 2012 only made things worse.

Unable to buy high-quality fruit, vegetables or meat, their families can feed them only bread, rice, oil and sugar. Without the vital vitamins and minerals they need to feed their growing bodies, young children are becoming dangerously malnourished.

Between 2002 and 2008, chronic malnutrition almost doubled in the Gaza strip. Stunted growth, weak bones and even brain damage are just some of the potential results. Now, it’s starting to affect children’s concentration in school as well as their health.

Over the last two years, Islamic Relief has been feeding schoolchildren in Gaza every day. We’ve reached over 31,000 children in 57 schools, and last year, your zakat helped us reach 5,000 more. We gave them healthy, nutritional snacks and fruit juice every morning in class.

The results have been incredible. Children are healthy, they’re getting sick less frequently and their attendance rates at school are going up. As a result, they’re learning more and getting better grades. InshaAllah, this education will enable them to build a brighter future.

Islamic Relief in Gaza

Islamic Relief has worked in Palestine for almost 20 years, beginning to provide humanitarian relief in 1994, as well as foodwaterlivelihoods, medical and orphan support. With your help, we are committed to supporting the people of Gaza for as long as they need us, and continue to pray for an end to their difficulties.

Zakat with Islamic Relief

Islamic Relief uses your zakat to help some of the poorest and most needy people on the planet. Your donations bring joy to them, letting them know that their brothers and sisters around the world haven’t forgotten them. Zakat gives people hope that one day, with the help of Allah, they will be zakat givers and not zakat receivers. 

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