In Kenya, the devastating effects of drought continue to plague communities. Over a quarter of the economy is dependent on agriculture and the effect of poor rainy seasons on livestock and crops has been staggeringly high.
With the impact on crops and livelihoods, families are facing food shortages, with malnutrition putting people’s lives at risk. Sadly, a total of 3.4 million people are facing food shortages and an uncertain future.
Across Kenya, malnutrition is currently the biggest cause of death amongst children under the age of five. A staggering 369,000 children in Kenya suffer from acute malnutrition and 1 in 3 suffer from stunted growth.
With climate-related and natural disasters threatening communities, here at Islamic Relief, we’re helping farmers in Kenya become increasingly resilient to the effects of climate disasters such as drought.
We’re ensuring farmers can maintain a strong sustainable income without the need for financial assistance or emergency aid.