Ajmil is married with five children.
He has a visual impairment which prevents him from securing a job. He and his family are greatly helped by your Korban donations.
Here is his story:
“I cannot get a proper job due to my visual disability, and my children are too young to work or help. Sometimes some relatives help us by providing some food and some try to help financially.
“Visual blindness is the biggest challenge for me as I can’t take care of my children like other parents. If they get sick I am unable to take them to hospital, if they need help with some chore I can’t help as I would end up creating more difficulties for them.
“In difficult times some families support us by giving charity, but sometimes my children have to sleep with empty bellies. People give us their Zakat money too, we try to be careful with this but more often than not my wife and I have to fast to survive throughout the day.