Who is eligible for Korban (Qurban)?
Islamic Relief’s policy is that the selected beneficiaries of the Korban (Qurban) project are made eligible based on a scoring system, which ranks families according to need.
The scoring system is based on the following objective criteria:
- Families who live on less than the minimum income for that particular country
- Female-headed households
- Families with disabled and/or elderly persons
- Children under five years old
- Pregnant women
- Breastfeeding mothers
- Families with little or no access to the market
A thorough needs assessment will be conducted to objectively identify the weighting and priority of each of the above criteria. These are then applied when selecting beneficiaries to ensure we reach the most needy without bias or subjectivity in selection.
It is the policy of Islamic Relief to distribute only one Qurbani meat pack to each family regardless of family size.